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Change Android Package Name

This guide explains how to change the Android package name for your existing Flutter project, SaleBot Chat.


  • Flutter SDK installed
  • An existing Flutter project (SaleBot Chat) set up
  • Basic understanding of Flutter and Android app structure

Steps to Change Android Package Name

1. Open Your Flutter Project

Open your Flutter project in your preferred IDE (VS Code, Android Studio, etc.).

2. Change the Package Name in Android Files

  • Update android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml

In the AndroidManifest.xml file, change the package attribute to your desired package name. You will find it in the <manifest> tag at the top of the file.

<manifest xmlns:android=""

  • Update android/app/build.gradle

In the build.gradle file under android/app/, change the applicationId to match your new package name:

android {
    defaultConfig {
        applicationId "com.newname.saleBotChat"  // Update this to new package name

  • Rename the Package Folder in Android Directory

  • Navigate to android/app/src/main/java/com/oldname/ in your project directory.

  • Rename the folder com/oldname/ to match the new package structure, e.g., com/newname/.
  • Update any internal references within files under src/main/java/.

3. Update Package References in Code

In all .dart and .java files where the old package name is referenced (usually for integration purposes), update the references to the new package name.

4. Clean the Flutter Project

After updating the package name, run the following command in your terminal to clean the project: ```bash flutter clean
