Different website settings can be updated and changed from here. It brings customizable access to change it anytime and update features quite seamlessly.

Theme Option
Title |
Description |
Theme Option |
Different Theme options can be set from here includes light logo, dark logo, icon, fonts. |
Title |
Description |
Menu Section |
Menu Options can be set from here by providing the correct route. |
Section Title
Title |
Description |
Section Title |
Website's landing pages different section's heading and sub-heading can be changed from here. |
Hero Section
Title |
Description |
Hero Section |
Website's hero section's content can be updated from here. |
Partner Logo
Title |
Description |
Partner Logo |
From this section, partner's logo can be added from here. |
Title |
Description |
Story |
Different story with images and message can be updated. |
Unique Feature
Title |
Description |
Unique Feature |
Unique features provide the exclusive information about the website. |
Title |
Description |
Feature |
Feature provide the information about the core and exclusive usable features of the website. |
AI Chat
Title |
Description |
AI Chat |
AI chat give the option to get connected with different AI features. |
Title |
Description |
Testimonials |
Customer's review and user experience are being shown from here. It provides perspective about the product. |
Title |
Description |
This section shows some prominent questions about the product. |
Title |
Description |
Footer Content |
Footer content shows the necessary links and contents. |
Website SEO and OG
Title |
Description |
Website SEO and OG |
Website's SEO and open graph related different options can be set from here. |
Custom JS
Title |
Description |
Custom JS |
Custom JS for the website can be set from this section. |
Custom CSS
Title |
Description |
Custom CSS |
Custom CSS for the website can be set from this section. |
Google Setup
Title |
Description |
Google Setup |
Google Recaptcha and Analytics can be set from this section. |
Facebook Pixel
Title |
Description |
Facebook Pixel |
Facebook pixel can be set up through providing pixel ID. |